Wednesday, October 12, 2005

what next

Just when I believe that nothing else would happen to me guess what! I get into a car accident like if I need it some more action in my life, over the weekend my kids and I got in the car ready to go grocery shopping we decided to go some where to eat dinner first and changed our route, we stop for a red light and there were 2 cars in front of us abiously we need to wait for the light to change, from a distance we hear the screeching sounds of a car, but we were never imagined that we was going to be the one's to get hit, this car was speeding so fast that was unable to stop and ended up crashing into us from the rear, my daughter suffered back injuries and my son made it out fine, his seatbelt was on tight so he didn't move, I suffered neck and back injuries my knee and shoulders as well, our car got hit so hard that the fire dept had to forced the back doors open to get my kids out of the car, I was so scared for my kids and I was not even able to see them I was able to hear my daughter screeming from the pain and my son crying and calling my name, he kept on saying mommy wake up, I dont recall much from that night nor even got to see the face of the driver who hit us, I regain strength and came back, when I was at the hospital, here I am sitting in front of the computer and wearing a lovely thick huge neckless, lol, neck brace of course, I need to have a sence of humor because it could of have been worse, I know that God was there with us and that is why I sit here today the rest will have to wait until the next time.. I can sit here to long my head is spinning and my eyes are really tired, I know that no one reads this journal but it feels good to be able to write it sort of feels like I am having a conversation with someone. until next time

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