Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another year, 2007 is almost gone and here we are moving foward to a new year full opf adventure, 07 was a goOd year, it had a few of setbacks but then again that is part of life. I met new interesting people and even made new friends, to all of uUu @ aol I wish uUu a wonderful holiday and a safe one also a lot of sucess in the new coming year uUu guys are the best. Without uUu a lot of people would be boared, uUu give all of us comunication with the world, thank uUu if I misspelled anywords sorry via sidekick. GoOd night until next time..

Friday, June 29, 2007

Its been a while

It sure has been long, well since the last entry, there has been a lot of changes, I have finally faced the children's father "aka" my abuser, I am no longer afraid of him and he has realized that in the end the good one's always win the battle, I have won, I am Free, its over the nightmare has ended, since my last entry like I mentioned in the start there has been so many different emotions i have recovered from all anxiety, I have no more drama and the kids oh my, the kids, they are so happy, I am still working on my story is just that I have been so busy working in the reconstruction of my new and improve life.

So I decided to take some time off but I have just began to write about all the excitement I am experiencing well until next time, be good to each other and to all around you.