Monday, September 25, 2006

moving on

Dear Journal:

Is been a while since my last entry, I know that no one reads this journal, as I mention before I am still working on my autobiography and I am hoping for this story to help people all around the world, I am a survivor and I am still trying to survive I am meeting new people and feel a lot better than i did in the past journals, is there still fear in my heart? the answer is sometimes, and i will explain; it is true I am free from my abuser but the scars the internal scars are still open, I can't take the pain that I hold in my heart and I am trying really hard not to feel like this but it is hard. I can tell you this the kids are happy and that is enough for me right about now, I do want to move on with my life, the only problem is that he is still out there and i am afraid that one day I find my self face to face with him again, and then maybe I will know how strong I have become, I feel that I am but I will never know really if I am just afraid because of the old memories and because he has not been around, what will happen if we stand in front of each other, i do know this I am not going to allow him to put his hands on me ever again.  until next time I am still praying for full freedom.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

It has been a while since I wrote anything in my journal, I am going through so much right now and have been offered an opportunity to write my autobiography I am hoping that while I am in the process of putting my life on paper that it helps people all around the world and educates them about " Domestic Violence" I have experience so much and seen so much and will like the whole world to know how it all began, So many years, days and nights living in fear. No one deserves to live like that, this story also includes my children whom lived the nightmare as well with me and how they save me.. Dear Aol journals, I welcome all comments, and can answer any questions anyone have about surviving an abusive relationship, anyone who is looking for advise I will be glad to help, remember no one deserve's to be abused, not mentally, physically or verbally. My Emai address is