Thursday, September 15, 2005

Dear Aol Journal
I am writing to you because I have been trying to make sence of what is going on in my life, I am trapped so trapped that I have no idea what else to do to go on I love my kids they are the light of my life and without them I would be lost, I will like to think that I have a chance in life to be happy but I am confused and restless I wrote my autobiography and only a few people has read it and I felt that if I wrote this journal maybe people will help me get back in track, and there is hope

My question is: is there hope for me to be happy again or am I the only one that has survived from an abusive marriage, and is trying to make it out here, my children deserve to be happy and without any kind of worries, and I feel that as long as that man is out there we will always have to look over our shoulders, that is not the life we want to live.